I saw this post on Instagram and it really resonated with me. I thought to share it here. Hope you enjoy it too and that it teaches you something. Credit: @sheleanaaiyana / @risingwoman
Our minds are projectors, constantly making meaning and finding evidence in the stories we’ve scripted from our past experiences.
Virtually the only difference between a person who is “conscious” in their relationship to themselves and others and person who is not, is the ability to observe the mind and to separate one’s thoughts from truth.
If you believe everything your mind tells you, you have bought into the illusion. Part of “waking up” is learning not to believe every thought you think.
Traumas and fears creep in and take up residence in our minds, and if we are not careful, we will begin to live from those places.
The “I’m broken story”. The “I’m so different, no one understands me story”. The “I’m unlovable story.”
The “I’ll always be abandoned” story.
The “I’m incapable of change” story.
These are the scripts our mind loves to feed us, and they are rooted in fear and pain.
It takes practice to begin observing our thoughts and learning not to buy in to the darkness.
A major component of “Conscious Relationship Work” is in this exact practice. Learning to observe our stories without attaching to them.
To recognize our shadow as it rears its head, and choose to let it pass, rather than hold it, or act it out in our relationships.
In the words of Sogyal Rinpoche in “The Book of the Living and Dying”: “Whatever you find yourself thinking, let that thought rise and settle, without any constraint. Don’t grasp at it, feed it, or indulge it; don’t cling to it and don’t try to solidify it. Neither follow thoughts nor invite them; be like the ocean looking at its own waves, or the sky gazing down on the clouds that pass through it.” . What is a story you can observe and give a voice to today?
As we speak our stories out loud from a place of ownership, the power they hold over us disintegrates.
You are a capable, beautiful, lovable soul. We are all here to learn.